dinsdag 16 februari 2010

Change of tact - result from counsels in week 3.2 and 3.3

The proces I have to go through is different from the original tactic I intended.

Original tactic:
Find a goal to reach for a parametric model on a composite frame of glass and wood

New tactic:
Gather information on the subjects and try to find the boundaries. Subjects are Composite frames of glass and wood and Joining Wood by friction welding.

Key words:
- Geometry
- Boundaries
- Possibilities
- Angles
- Glass
- Wood
- Friction welding

Later this week I hope to post some preliminary findings and conclusions from the research done in literature.

So far I found:
One paper on Joining wood by friction welding, called:
Joining wood by friction welding by B. Stamm - J. Natterer - P. Navi
Two papers on Composite frames of wood and glass:
Timber-Glass Composite Structural Panels by P. Cruz - J. Pequeno
Structural Timber-Glass Adhesive Bonding by P. Cruz - J. Pequeno

1 opmerking:

  1. I would think you can use the boundaries to find a goal to reach. Without the boundaries, the question is how to reach that goal and on what grounds do you value the goal you found. It shouldn't be on the ability to make a parametric model since you then get somewhat of a cyclic argumentation.
